Covington offices in Washington and San Francisco held events to celebrate LGBT Pride Month in June.
Associate Cort Lannin organized a Pride happy hour for the San Francisco office.
“San Francisco celebrated Pride after the attack in Orlando, and it was gratifying to see the LGBT community and our Covington colleagues come together to celebrate our solidarity in the face of such senseless violence,” Cort commented.
Cort spoke at the event about the San Francisco office’s LGBT+ Affinity Group goals for the year and also described Covington’s efforts to enhance LGBT recruiting.
“The implementation of the firm’s new LGBT Affinity Group, continued support for LGBT recruiting, networking, and professional events, and other diversity initiatives all are emblematic of Covington’s strong support for LGBT issues. I am proud to work at a firm that embraces the LGBT community and supports our LGBT colleagues.”
On the East Coast, Covington also hosted a Pride happy hour. The happy hour brought together over 50 attorneys and summer associates to celebrate the kickoff of D.C. Pride Weekend.
In addition, the Washington office held an ice cream social for the office’s LGBT lawyers, summer associates, other professionals, and staff.
To read more about Covington’s LGBT+ Affinity Group and their programs and initiatives, please click here.