We are writing to report on the latest Congressional hearing related to reform of the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (“CFIUS”).
On April 12, 2018, the Monetary Policy and Trade Subcommittee of the House Committee on
Financial Services (the “Subcommittee”) held an open hearing entitled “H.R. 4311, the Foreign
Investment Risk Review Modernization Act of 2017.” This remains an active legislative subject,
with Congress considering further amendments to the bill as introduced. We expect the debate
over the next several weeks to shape the ultimate form of the bill.
In the meantime, the hearing on April 12 was the Subcommittee’s fourth since Congress began
its consideration of the Foreign Investment Risk Review Modernization Act of 2017 (“FIRRMA”),
legislation introduced by Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) in the Senate and Congressman Robert
Pittenger (R-NC) in the House to reform CFIUS. Reports of the prior hearings are available
here, here, and here. The Subcommittee heard from a panel of five witnesses reflecting a mix of
industry and government service backgrounds.
Members participating in the hearing included Chairman Andy Barr (R-KY), Denny Heck (DWA),
Rep. Pittenger, Roger Williams (R-TX), Al Green (D-TX), Tom Emmer (R-MN), Warren
Davidson (R-OH), and Trey Hollingsworth (R-IN). The Subcommittee also invited Ed Royce (RCA),
Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee. In February 2018, Chairman Royce
introduced the Export Control Reform Act of 2018 (“ECRA”), a House bill to update the statutory
authority underlying the Export Administration Regulations. Our prior reports on ECRA are
available here and here. The hearing provided an opportunity for members to discuss FIRRMA
and to debate the appropriate role for CFIUS in preventing transfers of potentially sensitive
Questions about the regulation of outbound transfers of intellectual property were a central
feature of the hearing. Members expressed concern that current U.S. regulatory authorities,
including CFIUS, are not sufficient to prevent U.S. know-how from being forcibly shared with
foreign countries through business arrangements such as joint ventures. Rep. Heck
characterized these business arrangements as a “loophole” threatening U.S. intellectual
property. Rep. Green asked how FIRRMA would specifically address situations in which
technology might be transferred even though no U.S. merger takes place.
Witnesses differed as to how best to address this concern. Several panelists noted that
expanding CFIUS jurisdiction to cover outbound investments might duplicate existing authorities
under the U.S. export controls regime. To this end, witnesses noted that the export control
system is best positioned to prevent potentially sensitive transfers given its emphasis on
regulating technologies, not transactions.
Witnesses also expressed concern about the business impact of potential CFIUS jurisdiction
over outbound investment. In particular, there was concern that expanding CFIUS’s review to
include certain outbound IP transfers would add “thousands” of new cases to CFIUS’s workload,
delaying processing and creating uncertainty in the CFIUS process, which could discourage
U.S. companies from engaging in legitimate business transactions with foreign parties.
However, a witness representing Department of Defense interests suggested that Congress
should permit CFIUS to review certain outbound transfers, despite the potential overlap with
export control laws. The witness expressed concern that many small technology startups
currently risk inadvertently transferring sensitive technology due to a lack of familiarity with U.S.
export controls laws. Reps. Davidson and Hollingsworth echoed this concern.
Beyond these concerns related to FIRRMA’s application to outbound IP transfers, members
who attended the hearing also expressed reservations about the ambiguity of certain terms in
FIRRMA. Rep. Emmer voiced particular concern over the breadth of the terms “critical
technology” and “emerging technology.” While Rep. Emmer noted that additional clarity might
be provided through the rulemaking process, he worried that such expansive definitions would
lead to the overregulation of industries which are predominantly commercial in nature, such as
the medical device industry. In colloquy on this point, witnesses noted that some ambiguity for
FIRRMA’s technology terms may be desired in order to provide CFIUS with the flexibility
needed to determine when a commercially useful technology might also threaten national
Additionally, Rep. Davidson questioned whether the breadth of similar FIRRMA terms would
place private entrepreneurs at risk of having their technology deemed “critical” at a later point
and restricted for transfer, catching the entrepreneurs off-guard. Rep. Davidson reiterated prior
witnesses’ concern that U.S. inventors and entrepreneurs would be unlikely to intuit government
regulators’ security interests, leaving them susceptible to such regulatory “whiplash.” To
address this issue, one of the witnesses suggested that FIRRMA could establish a list of
technologies of special concern to CFIUS. By marketing this list to industry, CFIUS could reduce
the odds that unexpected regulatory restrictions would dampen the innovative spirit.
Other notable comments in the hearing included:
- Rep. Sherman cited China’s barriers to entry for many of its markets and asked whether
the United States should consider doing the same to protect its domestic technology
industries. However, the witnesses’ responses stressed that CFIUS reform should
continue to encourage open markets and healthy foreign investment in the United
States, including from China.
- Relatedly, Rep. Sherman asked whether FIRRMA should direct that CFIUS’s threat
analysis consider Chinese companies, by default, as extensions of the Chinese
government. Multiple witnesses suggested that CFIUS should retain its case-by-case
analysis and should not otherwise establish a bright-line rule regarding Chinese
- Members and witnesses agreed on the need to continue investing in U.S. science and
technology as an important element of U.S. national and technological security. Rep.
Heck voiced strong support for government funding of new technologies and sought
feedback from witnesses as to how the U.S. could continue to lose its technological
advantage if it merely considered ways to prevent the loss of existing technological
expertise, as opposed to further developing it.
- Chairman Barr asked witnesses how FIRRMA could reduce unnecessary overlap
between CFIUS and the U.S. export control laws. In response, one witness suggested
the creation of a subcommittee within CFIUS that could serve as a liaison to the export
controls authorities. Under the proposal, the subcommittee would bear primary
responsibility for coordinating with the export controls authorities to ensure that matters
and technologies did not receive redundant review.
- Lastly, there was broad consensus on the need to reform both CFIUS and the U.S.
export controls regimes. In his opening remarks, Chairman Royce expressed his view
that an appropriate “whole of government” approach to competitors’ technological
advancement would continue to require the work of both CFIUS and export controls as
complementary authorities. Rep. Pittenger agreed, noting that, while he is sponsoring
CFIUS reform, he continues to view export controls as the “first line of defense” in
protecting U.S. technological security.