The UK's NSI Act comes into force on January 4th, 2022. In these brief audio recordings, our team sets out what companies in the energy, life sciences and technology sectors need to know about the UK's newly expanded investment control regime. For further details contact any member of our London team.
Episode 1: Energy (November 2021)
In this episode, our team sets out what companies in the energy sector need to know about the UK's newly expanded investment control regime including:
Areas of the economy, including energy, in which mandatory filings may be required.
- How a filing requirement can be identified.
- The factors that may be relevant in considering submission of a voluntary filing and how policy considerations may influence "call-ins"?
- What to include in your transaction documentation to address risk, and the implications for the due diligence process and transaction timetable.
- What the potential sanctions can be when mandatory filings are missed.
Episode 2: Life Sciences (December 2021)
In this episode, our team sets out what companies in the life sciences sector need to know about the UK's newly expanded investment control regime including:
- To what extent might alternative deal structures mitigate against the regime?
- What to include in your transaction documentation now that will address risk, the due diligence process, timetables and costs if clearance is denied.
- What can we learn from the CFIUS regime in the U.S.?
- Will you need to consider submitting voluntary notifications and what are the potential sanctions for when mandatory filings are missed?
- How will geopolitics and policy influence the number of "call-ins"?
Episode 3: Technology (December 2021)
In this episode, our team sets out what companies in the technology sector need to know about the UK's newly expanded investment control regime including:
- Areas of the economy, including technology, in which mandatory filings may be required.
- How a filing requirement can be identified.
- The factors that may be relevant in considering submission of a voluntary filing and how policy considerations may influence "call-ins"?
- What to include in your transaction documentation to address risk, and the implications for the due diligence process and transaction timetable.
- What the potential sanctions can be when mandatory filings are missed.