On January 14, 2025, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued the long-awaited Proposed Rule on Front-of-Package (FOP) Nutrition Labeling. The proposed FOP labeling scheme is part of FDA’s effectuation of the White House National Strategy on Hunger, Nutrition and Health to reduce diet-related diseases by 2030, and is also partially in response to a citizen petition filed by certain advocacy groups. FDA’s proposal would require the inclusion of an FOP nutrition label, referred to as the Nutrition Info box, containing nutrient information for saturated fat, sodium, and added sugars on the principal display panel (PDP) for most foods that must bear a Nutrition Facts label. As discussed below, the Nutrition Info box must state whether these nutrients are at low, medium, or high levels, but no color coding would be required. FDA focused on saturated fat, sodium, and added sugars because they are directly linked with chronic diseases when consumed in excess. In announcing the proposal, FDA also notes that ultra-processed foods often contain high levels of these nutrients. FDA explains that the FOP nutrition labeling is intended to provide accessible, at-a-glance information to help consumers quickly and easily identify how foods can be part of a healthy diet. Deputy Commissioner for Human Foods, Jim Jones, also expressed that FOP labeling may lead manufacturers to reformulate products to be healthier.