The Recorder featured the firm's move to Palo Alto and its tenth anniversary in Silicon Valley. It calls Covington "the high-powered firm known for its connection in the nation's capital" and quotes Emily Leonard, the managing partner of the firm's Palo Alto office and Tom DeFilipps, head of the firm's California Corporate practice.
Ms. Leonard says, "We had a strong desire to be in Palo Alto, where we thought we would be more centrally located among clients and companies that we work with and hope to work with. We have grown by over 50 percent in roughly two years. I think the reason for that is that the continued growth and diversification of our practices in California is part of the firm’s overall strategic growth priority.”
Mr. DeFilipps says one differentiator that helps set the firm apart from its Silicon Valley competitors is its ability to provide corporate, litigation and regulatory expertise on top of a unique understanding into government policy and key policymakers. He adds, "As we talk to clients in the tech and life sciences area, we do find they increasingly focus on issues that deal with the regulated environment, whether it is in D.C. or overseas. That is one of the reasons we believe the strength of our firm plays very well with clients in this [region] and their particular needs as they grow rapidly as tech companies.”