Daniel Shallman sat down with The Recorder for a Q&A as part of its series with 'Big Law office managing partners in California,’ in light of his recent appointment to office managing partner in Covington’s Los Angeles office. In the Q&A, Daniel discussed the continued demand for corporate culture investigations, in addition to how the firm is pursuing pro bono and DEI efforts to strengthen its presence in Los Angeles.
When asked about forces driving demand in Covington’s Los Angeles office, Daniel explained how demand has remained strong, particularly on the white-collar investigations and litigation side.
“With the new administration,” he elaborated, “we are starting to see additional resources go toward corporate and white-collar enforcement. The White House has set a tone from the top on anti-corruption, with a national security initiative aimed at battling corruption such as international money laundering and domestic political corruption. PPP loans, human rights violations and antitrust matters are also at the top of the list.”
Daniel was asked several questions about the Los Angeles office in particular, specifically in regards to how the office generates matters, grows and acquires talent, and prioritizes diversity within the office.
“Because we are in Los Angeles,” Daniel explained, “we’ve been able to handle matters of national importance in a way that is unique for a small office of a national firm.”
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