Law360 featured Kate Kraus’ Covington arrival, which included Kate and Dirk Suringa’s commentary.
"I am drawn to Covington's collaborative culture and multidisciplinary approach to advising the firm's clients," Kate said. "Covington has a great roster of clients with interesting tax issues, and I am excited about the opportunity to work with the firm's world-class team of tax and corporate lawyers."
Kate also told Law360 that she was attracted to the firm's "really sophisticated tax practice," including the "strong bench" on its controversy and tax litigation team, particularly as changes enacted in the 2015 Bipartisan Budget Act have become increasingly relevant to her practice. "The BBA was enacted in 2015, but it takes some time for the rules to become relevant to tax audits and tax controversy, and so now is the time when the rules are being applied and people are starting to care about these rules," she said. "After all these years of planning and preparing for these rules, they're active, and so there's a lot of new work to address."
Discussing how Kate’s experience will strengthen Covington’s tax law work, Dirk said that “with Kate's deep partnership tax expertise and experience, her excellent reputation in the tax bar, and her enthusiasm for working with clients, Kate will be a great addition to Covington's tax and corporate practice groups. Her keen insights on the tax implications of corporate joint ventures and collaboration agreements, acquisitions of partnerships and S corporations, and on internal restructurings of groups with flow through entities will serve a critical need of our clients.”