WASHINGTON, DC - The Leadership Council on Legal Diversity (LCLD) has chosen Covington partner Anne Lee to be a member of its 2016 class of Fellows. The program is designed to build relationships and leadership skills that can be passed down to future generations of leaders in the legal profession. Tammy Albarrán, Co-Chair of Diversity Initiatives at Covington and leader of the firm’s Anti-Corruption Practice Group’s Latin America practice, represented Covington as a Fellow in 2015.
Ms. Lee represents clients in complex commercial and antitrust litigation, including cases at the trial and appellate levels in both state and federal courts. She also represents clients in connection with civil and criminal investigations before the DOJ and FTC. In addition to her litigation work, Ms. Lee advises clients on a range of antitrust issues, including antitrust compliance and merger analysis.
Founded in 2009, LCLD is a growing organization of more than 240 corporate chief legal officers and law firm managing partners who are personally committed to creating a truly diverse legal profession. The LCLD Fellows program, which has trained more than 800 mid-career lawyers since 2011, is one of LCLD’s most important initiatives, connecting high-potential lawyers from preeminent organizations for a year-long professional development series.