WASHINGTON—Covington has chosen Shanghai partner Helen Hwang to be a member of the Leadership Council on Legal Diversity’s 2021 Fellows Program. As one of the co-leaders of Covington’s Asia compliance and investigations practice, Ms. Hwang’s practice focuses on counseling clients through complex and sensitive anti-corruption internal investigations and investigations by government enforcement authorities. She also advises clients across a range of industries on the corruption risks of proposed transactions and how to build and improve their compliance programs. Ms. Hwang serves as the Shanghai lead for the firm’s Women’s Forum.
Covington associates Hakeem Rizk in San Francisco and Jachele Vélez in Washington will participate in the LCLD Pathfinder Program designed for high-potential, early career lawyers from diverse backgrounds. The program aims to assist the “Pathfinders” with critical career development strategies including leadership and the development of professional networks.
Mr. Rizk represents clients in class actions, insurance recovery, and commercial litigation matters. He also maintains an active pro bono practice.
Ms. Vélez represents clients across industries, including sports, media, and technology, in a variety of complex antitrust matters. Her experience includes defending clients in criminal and civil investigations before the Federal Trade Commission and the U.S. Department of Justice, as well as representing clients in merger reviews.
Founded in 2009, LCLD is an organization of more than 350 corporate chief legal officers and law firm managing partners—the leadership of the profession—who have dedicated themselves to creating a truly diverse U.S. legal profession.