WASHINGTON—The Veterans Consortium Pro Bono Program recognized Covington as its Law Firm//Corporate Pro Bono Mission partner of the year, alongside Northrop Grumman Corporation. This award was presented during the Veterans Consortium's Pro Bono Mission Partner Awards event, which recognized attorneys, law firms and corporate law departments for their outstanding contributions in service to United States' veterans. Covington’s award was in recognition of the firm’s work on the Veterans Naturalization Assistance Program.
In 2020, Covington partnered with Northrop Grumman to sponsor a two-year fellowship for Nicqelle Fleming at The Veterans Consortium, which launched the Veterans Naturalization Assistance Program (VNAP). Nicqelle’s goal for VNAP was to help non-citizen veterans through the process of naturalization and investigate why veterans are denied naturalization at a higher rate than civilians. She ran an incredibly successful program that provided direct representation to more than 80 veterans and helped naturalize 15 non-citizen veterans over the course of her fellowship.
Covington and Northrop funded Nicqelle's project through Equal Justice Works, a nonprofit devoted to launching and mobilizing the next generation of public interest leaders. In addition to providing financial support, Covington and Northrop provided pro bono assistance during four VNAP legal clinics to assist veterans.