
Reducing Gun Violence

Covington has long been a leader in pro bono work to help prevent gun violence, including representing the District of Columbia in the landmark Supreme Court case, D.C. v. Heller.

In the post-Heller world, the firm continues to work on Second Amendment matters with the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence, the Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence, and other organizations committed to reducing gun violence by keeping firearms out of dangerous hands.

Representative Matters

Defending Common Sense Gun Laws

On behalf of the Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence, we filed amicus briefs in the Ninth Circuit to support California county ordinances governing issuance of permits for concealed carrying of firearms. With the Brady Center, we have worked to defend gun safety regulations in Maryland, Colorado, Pennsylvania, and Hawaii.

Defeating Mandatory Gun Ownership Ordinance

On behalf of the Brady Center, the firm filed suit to challenge a "Family Protection" law in Nelson, Georgia that purported to require all households in the town to own a working firearm and ammunition. After the suit was filed, the City agreed to amend the ordinance to prohibit its enforcement on the ground that it was unconstitutional.

Supreme Court Advocacy

In recent terms, we argued for broad interpretation of a statute prohibiting domestic violence offenders from possessing firearms and defended the validity of straw purchase questions on Brady Law background check forms.